
Energy foods and their effects

In the same way that vehicles run on fuel and machines run on electricity, the human body needs its own gasoline to be able to carry out the common tasks of the day, especially the physical ones. Our body is a complex system that needs to be fed in the best possible way to function at full capacity. In fact, many of the diseases we suffer have to do with poor diet, either because we do not take enough vitamins or minerals, or because we eat poorly through processed food that only makes our body work worse, given its low quality. That is why food is so important in all aspects of life, and not only enjoying a good meal, but also something healthy and balanced.

Food is essential for our body to function properly , and the quality of food has to do directly with this functioning, and also with our health. Through metabolism , the body takes vitamins, minerals and all the contributions of each food, and converts it into energy to survive. From that healthy meal that we eat before doing intense exercise to breakfast, which gives us the strength to endure the greatest. There are, of course, foods that stand out especially for being very energetic and having a brutal contribution as far as that energy we need is concerned. We must always include them in our diet, although with moderation, because everything in excess turns into something negative. If you don’t know these foods , keep reading because we are going to introduce them to you.

What are energy foods

Energy foods are those that give energy to our body so that you can work throughout the day and fulfill its vital functions . Those foods that have a large contribution of carbohydrates, such as bread or rice, are energy considered, since their energy function is greater than that of vegetables in general, for example. They are foods that provide us with a good number of calories within carbohydrates, which are something like the fuel for our body. If we carry out a fairly intense training we are going to need a lot of carbohydrates in our diet, to burn them by doing this exercise and have the strength and sufficient reserve to be able to carry them out. Of course, eating too many energy foods without exercise can also be counterproductive.

Its effects on our body

These foods, as we have already seen, provide the necessary energy to our body to carry out the most intense functions , especially physical . Whether it’s walking or doing intense exercise for a long time, we will need these foods to be able to be at one hundred percent . There are energy foods with a high concentration of simple sugars, which have to do with chocolates or cookies, and which represent a direct explosion of fuel for our body, taken just before any physical exercise so that we can have that extra contribution . It is like stepping on the accelerator of the physical strength that we are going to have, a special reserve that will allow us to be at full capacity when exercising.

They usually serve to give us more strength, more vitality, even to tone the body. Many of these foods, especially those with sugar, also make a good contribution to the mind in their proper measure, since they make us feel good. They are tasty foods that we like to eat and they make us feel better not only to exert ourselves physically, but also mentally. Of course, you have to be careful with this type of food, because they tend to have a lot of calories, and we already know what happens if we go overboard with it and then we are not able to burn them through physical exercise.

Examples of energy foods

There are numerous energy foods, but all of them tend to have in common the high amount of carbohydrates that they provide us with. For example, everything that has to do with cereals , whether in the form of bread or pasta, as well as rice , the energy food par excellence, they offer us a good amount of this kind of input. Also those sweet foods that tend to have a lot of sugar, such as honey, cookies or industrial bakery itself. In this sense, we highly recommend choosing the most natural sweet products possible, to avoid harming us instead of making us better and healthier through the energy contribution they offer us.

Also tubers usually offer us this type of extra caloric intake to be able to burn it off while doing sports or any other intense physical activity. Isotonic drinks are usually also a good energy supply, because they come not only with sugar, but also with minerals, to withstand dehydration at those times. The cereal bars are the perfect snack for those who want to have a pure energy diet, since they offer us that essential energy limit to be able to go far by exercising. Everything that has to do with cereals or with sweet foods can serve us, yes, in the right measure.

Consumption in excess

And is that one of the characteristics of these foods is the intense caloric intake they offer , something that is fine if we are going to burn it right away through physical exercise, but that can become a problem if we simply take these energy foods out of habit and then we don’t burn off all that contribution they offer us . The same goes for excess. Even professional athletes must perfectly measure the amount of food they take, so that later that extra contribution is not put against them. Excessive consumption of these foods can cause heaviness in the stomach , and in the medium term, also gaining a few kilos, because our body cannot metabolize so many calories in such a short time.